Understanding the psychological and social truth
Writing a thesis is often a challenging and complex enterprise. This episode helps you to understand what will go on inside you and between you and your supervisor.
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Writing an academic report or article mainly follows a specific structure, format and style since academic papers differ from all other media most people are familiar with (e.g. news-paper artic...
Multidimensional scaling is a statistical procedure to translate distances and dissimilarities into a visual representation. In social science it is used to visualize social relations among peop...
We use multiple regression analysis to determine the relation between many (multiple) independent variables and one single dependent variable.
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Factor analysis reduces complexity of data by extracting a few factors. It delivers underlying coordinates in an otherwise complicated set of variables. We use factor analysis for instance to un...
We use variance analysis (ANOVA) to compare variance within and between groups. It is a method to test hypothesis that is in particular suitable for experimental designs. Once there are more tha...
In social science we estimate the probability of the null hypothesis being wrong even though it might be true. Should we reject or accept the null hypothesis over the alternative hypothesis? Thi...
While we know the mean and standard deviation of our sample we don’t know the real ones. That’s why we estimate. There is a reason, why using n-1 instead of N when estimating standard deviation ...
With z transformation you can transform any kind of variable into a variable that has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. By doing so, variables become comparable. It’s an essential idea ...
Bivariate statistics help to understand the statistical relation between the independent and the dependent variable. Once you test a hypothesis you always need this kind of statistics.